The Top 5 Plants For Your Home Office

Home Office Plants Can Instantly Change Your Space

A home office is a perfect place to put some greenery and the perfect way to bring a little bit of the outdoors into your space. In this article, we'll explore five indoor plants for your office space and office desk: including the Parlor palm, Snake Plant, and Dracaena. These houseplants require little maintenance and can thrive in rooms with low light or indirect light. They will even add a splash of color to your desk. In the meantime, you can enjoy your plants and save money at the same time!


Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans):

Our Low-Maintenance Indoor Plant Pick

The benefits of a Dracaena plant are many. This plant can be housed in a pot for a long time without any damage. It's also relatively disease and pest-free, so it's the perfect plant for the home office or desk. Despite the many benefits of a Dracaena plant, here are a few reasons to choose it.

First and foremost, dracaenas are easy to grow as low-maintenance indoor plants. They can tolerate a wide range of conditions, and they thrive when given the right care. Watering a Dracaena plant is easy as long as it has moderate to high humidity. Ideally, you should water your office plant at least once every seven to ten days. A little bit of organic matter added to the soil will help the plant survive.


Parlor Palm:

A Low-Light Favorite

Parlor palms are a huge favorite of ours as any addition to an office. They have beautiful fronds that add a nice palette of green leaves to your space. Parlor palms are very easy to care for and require very little maintenance to flourish. Here are some helpful tips for taking care of your palm.

Parlor palms do great in low-light or indirect light and may actually suffer from direct sunlight exposure. Parlor palms grow best in a rich potting mix. Heavy soils can cause the palm to rot. A peat-based potting mix is ideal, but you can also use straight potting soil provided it has good drainage. Watering will also help to remove dust particles from the leaves. For optimal plant growth, water the Parlor palm once a day. Once the leaves have fully dried, it is ready to move indoors.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Is A Favorite "Water and Forget" Office Plant

Using an aloe plant as desk decor is an easy, low-maintenance way to add color and life to your workstation. These low-maintenance plants do not require special light conditions, but should receive a moderate amount of light to thrive. Aloe plants are also easy to care for, and need little to no watering. The plant produces a cooling gel through its variegated leaves. This plant will grow well in a home office with limited lighting and will only require watering once a month.

A standard succulent, Aloe barbadensis is an attractive choice for any home office. It only needs to be watered about every two weeks. It is also drought-tolerant and needs only a little bit of sunlight to thrive. Aloe plants grow in a sandy cactus mix. The best location for a plant is bright but out of direct sunlight. Watering them every few weeks is enough to keep them healthy.


Snake Plant (Sansevieria):

Snake Plant is the Best Houseplant For On Top Of Your Desk

If you're a novice in the art of plant care, a Snake Plant for your home office may be the right choice for you. Not only is it easy to grow, but it also provides benefits such as purifying the air quality in your office. They have a high absorption capacity that absorbs pollutants from the air and then releases oxygen at night. Moreover, they require little care and do not require much light. They also do not require much care - they can go dry between waterings.

The plant can tolerate low-light conditions and does not require high temperatures. Its roots do not like dampness, so it must be kept away from drafty windows and in a room with a 50-degree temperature range. A smaller snake plant looks great on your desk and won't take up too much space as it grows vertically.

zz plant in home office

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant Is Our Air-Purifying Pick

The ZZ plant is a great plant for your home office for a couple of reasons. First, the ZZ Plant is very low maintenance and can go weeks without water. It is a good plant for beginners as it is very easy to care for. ZZ Plants do great in bright indirect sunlight or partial shade near a window where they will receive some direct sunlight each day. Perfect for your home office!

It is known to be very efficient at purifying the air. Pair it up with another air-purifying plant, and you'll walk into a peaceful, pure oasis. And if you love your ZZ plant so much that you want a few more - they're a great candidate for propagation by division or rooting stems in water.

had plant office space

Bonus - Jade Plant:

Our Good Luck Desk Plant

If you're looking to add luck and charm to your home office, placing a jade plant is a perfect way to do so. According to Chinese feng shui, placing a jade plant near the entrance to your office or cubicle is auspicious. Alternatively, you can place a Jade plant in the southeast area of your office. Whether you place a Jade plant in your home office or at the entrance to your business, placing it in the southeast sector is considered auspicious.

Because this type of plant does not grow very fast, it does not need much water. In fact, it can survive months without any water. However, you should not over-water it, or it may crash and burn. To get the most out of your jade plant, find a large clay pot. Place the plant on one side and train it to grow to the other. Then, place it in partial sunlight to encourage it to grow.


Houseplants Used In Design for Your Office Space

Brighten up our office desk and office space

Houseplants are a great way to add some life and color to your office space. They can help purify the air and make the space feel more inviting. Choose plants that are easy to care for and won't require too much sunlight or water. You can check out our huge inventory of indoor plants over at Haus, and if you have any questions, we are happy to help how we can. Just drop us a line.