Plant Enthusiasts

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Welcome! This is an indoor plant blog comprised of all the resources and ideas we wish we had on our personal journey from brown thumb to green thumb.  

Our content is geared mostly towards beginners with a focus on house plants, balcony plants, indoor herb gardens, and occasionally flowers.  

We provide easy-to-understand tips on plant care as well as plant decor inspiration. We also curate the best available plant resources in hopes that this little site becomes your favorite house plant destination. 

We believe owning plants is one of the easiest ways to improve your health and wellness. Our goal for The Floralogist is to demystify plant care so you can reap all the benefits. 

Our Story

Floralogist is a husband and wife duo based in Arizona where lush green plants have a hard time growing, if at all. After many attempts (failures) to grow plants outdoors, we shifted our energy to indoor plants and found a new hobby that surrounded us with beautiful healthy plants.

But, our indoor oasis didn’t come with many trials and errors. That’s why Floralogist now exists - to use as an place to share ideas, inspiration, and knowledge we’ve obtained with fellow green thumbs, brown thumbs and everyone in between. 

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Get the Guide

Get our free 20-page indoor plant guide for beginners and brown thumbs with short and pithy tips on choosing good indoor plants and growing them easily.


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